Specialty Lumber milling & carpentry services
in Birmingham, Alabama
Our goal is to offer the best product and pricing possible paired with one-on-one customer experience. Whether you need materials for a project, or help getting it done, WMM is here to help!
Call or text 205-370-4119 with any questions or to set up a free consultation TODAY!
Our Services
Custom Milling
Whether you need a single slab or a large order of materials for your project, we can mill it
Custom Built-Ins
We can help you customize any space with built in shelves adding functionality and design to an office, library, living room or even a closet!
Interior & Exterior Facings
Southern Yellow Pine is a great option for siding or interior walls and ceilings. Starting at $1.50 per board foot
Floating Shelves
Whether you’re installing yourself or need some help, we can help you with any plans you have for floating shelves, starting at $125!
Home Repairs/Improvements
Big or small we can help with the next project on your list. Call today for a free consultation!
Firewood Supply
We have options of small bundles to stocking up for the year. Select firewood delivered prices starting at $200, call today to place an order!

Contact us.